Do you easily hear ‘the voice of your problems, difficulties and failures’ but find it very hard to hear the Voice of God in your life? If yes, hear me! You hear people say ‘God spoke to me’, ‘the Spirit revealed to me’ and you’re like: ‘but I am baptised and confirmed, why am I not having this experience?’ What is happening to me? Until you start asking these questions, you’re not ready to grow spiritually.
In my pastoral ministry I hear this complain almost everyday. Some time ago, it was an elderly woman who said to me: Father whenever I am in church for Holy Mass I am always distracted. My mind begins to go around many things: what to do, what I left undone, my difficulties, etc, and at the end I am distracted and benefit nothing. But after that encounter with me, she came back thanking me that my counsel and prayers are working. I know you sometimes experience this and you’re interested in knowing what I told her. Continue reading slowly…
2. To the woman, I said: it is the enemy’s plan to distract you from hearing the Voice of God whenever you’re in church, hence he distracts you. The devil is always interested in what God had said, he knows God’s Word is full of power (Ps 29: 4), and the WORD OF GOD has the ability to transform those who hear it and believe it (2 Tim 3:16). But no, the devil wants your destruction hence he distracts you. That is why to tempt Eve the devil asked her what had God said (Cf. Gen 3:1) Listen again: to tempt Jesus the devil reminds Him what the Father said to Him at his baptism: If you are the (Beloved) Son of God, turn these stones to bread (Lk 4:3). Now declare that very Word and say like Jesus whenever you’re distracted: Be gone Satan! for that which you suggest is not from God, in the name of Jesus. AMEN! (Cf. Matt 4:10). And this became her testimony.
3. Child of God without deep Prayer and Meditation, you will lose touch of all the Sacramental graces you have received. You have the potential but wont bear fruits. Only through prayer you keep in touch with the Dispenser of the gifts and sacramental graces, and benefit from it.
Nice reflection God bless 🙌
Amen. Thanks father