Spiritual fruits are evidence of the growth of the Divine seed planted in you. Though every seed has potential to grow, however its growth depends on the type of soil where it was planted. Just as farmers make conscious efforts to prepare the land before planting so as to secure a rich harvest. So also to produce abundant spiritual fruits requires conscious and constant preparation. There are three things you must do to make yourself a fertile ground to produce spiritual fruits. If you want to know continue reading slowly…
Cf. Matthew 13:1-23
‘You, therefore, are to hear the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the word of the kingdom without understanding, the evil one comes and carries off what was sown in his heart: this is the man who received the seed on the edge of the path. The one who received it on patches of rock is the man who hears the word and welcomes it at once with joy. But he has no root in him, he does not last; let some trial come, or some persecution on account of the word, and he falls away at once. The one who received the seed in thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this world and the lure of riches choke the word and so he produces nothing. And the one who received the seed in rich soil is the man who hears the word and understands it; he is the one who yields a harvest and produces now a hundredfold, now sixty, now thirty.’
Child of God, Jesus calls the meaning of the parable of the sower a secret of the kingdom of heaven- something hidden but revealed to a privileged few:
The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?” He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. (Matt 13:10-11)
It is a secret because it has the power to unlock the door of success and breakthrough in every aspect of life. Without much ado, we examine these secrets.
Lack of knowledge or ignorance always open the door of Satanic manipulation. Together with the fear of poverty, fear of death, and fear of the devil, ignorance is one of the satanic tools of manipulation and source of fear. But on the other hand Knowledge is power, says Francis Bacon and for lack of Knowledge people perish (Cf. Hosea 4:6). For this reason the Bible warns us of the danger to have zeal without knowledge. (Cf. Prov 19:2). We improve in knowledge when we ask questions. Learn to ask questions for by it you will arrive at certainty.
For a seed to grow and produce fruit it must be nurtured. For it to take root, it must first shed its shells, expose itself to the richness of the soil and then slowly germinate. The whole process requires patience on the farmer. This is also applicable in our lives. To produce spiritual fruits require meditating on the word of God. This is a way of nurturing the divine seed in us to maturity. It is a process that requires patience to nurture and so don’t be in a hurry or be discouraged waiting for the manifestation of your fruits.
Don’t live in worries and complaints. Stop the habit of counting or paying so much attention on your problems, it is time to start counting your blessings and focusing on the solutions to problems. Because the more we focus on our problems, we are suffocated by it. Remember Peter’s experience of walking on the sea: while he focused on Jesus he walked upon the sea, but while he became aware of the strong wind he began to sink.
…Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” (Matt 14:30)
Start focusing on the solutions to your problems and like Peter, call to Jesus: If it is you command me to overcome my present situation with this solution here at hand (Cf. Matt 14:28). In your pursuit of the solutions, be contented and don’t think of getting rich quick. Rather than pursue quick riches build bridges of relationships with others. They will help you one way or the other.
Make a resolution today to implement these secret keys to every aspect of your life: business, work, finances, family, etc. For they not only help produce spiritual fruits but Physical fruits (riches) as well.
I pray for you: may the Lord crown this year for you with goodness, causing abundance of favour to flow towards you, your household, your work and your finances in Jesus name. Amen.
Amen🙏. Thank you so much, Padre. I truly love reading and learning from your divine messages. God bless you and your ministry, Padre.
Thank for sharing padre. God bless you
Amen God bless you Father