Category Archives: SAINTS

This section contains powerful prayer reflections and devotional prayers on some selected saints

DO YOU KNOW WHO THE SAINTS ARE? Prayer Reflection for all Saints Day

This question demands more than the beautiful stories you have read about saints or your favourite saint. When we read about saints we are sometimes lost in wonder as how they achieved those feats. Sometimes the stories appear so beautiful and enticing that we forget how difficult it is to be good. I bet you: […]


Some time ago during a counselling session someone shared with me how sometimes she hears either footsteps behind her, voices speaking to her or perceives the smell of perfumes whenever she is alone either on a lonely road or while working in the house; and she asked: Could this be my guardian angel? I replied […]

THE FIVE PATHS OF REPENTANCE ( An excerpt from St. John Chrysostom on the Temptations of the Devil)

St. John chrysostom through these five paths show that repentance is a daily journey of healing and transformation into the image of our Jesus who humbles himself to remain with us as bread of life broken in the Holy Eucharist. There are certainly many of them, many and various, and all of them lead to […]