Do you know it’s not the clothes, make-up or adornments you put on that makes you beautiful/handsome? Many spend much money, time and energy just to look ‘beautiful’ only for worms and moths to destroy it all after death! Do you not know that only the “presence of God” can take care of what money, time and energy costs you? If you’re in doubt read slowly…
Luke 21:5-6
“When some were talking about the Temple, remarking how it was adorned with fine stonework and votive offerings, Jesus said, ‘All these things you are staring at now – the time will come when not a single stone will be left on another: everything will be destroyed.’”

1. In ancient Israel the Temple (Heykal in Hebrew) is very important and symbolic not only for it’s purpose as place of worship, but also because it symbolises the dwelling place of God; such that when God allows it’s destruction, He communicates “His absence” from Israel (Jer.26:4-6 & 52:12-13)
2. With the Incarnation, Jesus becomes the new Temple (Jn. 2:21) and we become part of that Temple by baptismal adoption. Hence YOUR BODY therefore is the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit (1Cor.6:19).
3. We remain beautiful Temples only in righteousness. Sin drives away the presence of God making us ugly; but Spiritual exercises like FASTING (Dan.1:8 &18), CHARITY (1Pet.4:8) and PRAYER (Dan 9:21) keeps the temple beautiful, alive and unsoiled even after death; not the adornments! 
TASK: Are you too concerned about your “physique”- body size/general health? Read Daniel 1:1-18 now. Keep a special day of ‘Covenant with God’ with weekly FASTING AND PRAYERS for spiritual reasons and see the physical results. You will be surprised how nourished and beautiful you shall be physically and spiritually.
I pray for you: May the Lord give you the strength to keep yourself beautiful always in his presence. Amen.
© Fr. SimOne Madu, OSJ

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