The Bible talks about wealth in three ways; one is bad and two are good: hoarding of wealth, sharing of wealth and creation of wealth. The first is condemned not just because it is a selfish act that ends up destroying the individual but because it affects the other two also.

Are you among those thinking that the path to wealth is through gathering and hoarding of resources? Are you wealthy but want to sustain and increase what you have? There are certain things you must avoid, otherwise you risk losing everything, even yourself. If you wish to know these continue reading slowly…

Cf. Luke 16:19-31
Jesus said to the Pharisees: ‘There was a rich man who used to dress in purple and fine linen and feast magnificently every day. And at his gate there lay a poor man called Lazarus, covered with sores, who longed to fill himself with the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table. Dogs even came and licked his sores. Now the poor man died and was carried away by the angels to the bosom of Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried.
  ‘In his torment in Hades he looked up and saw Abraham a long way off with Lazarus in his bosom. So he cried out, “Father Abraham, pity me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in agony in these flames.” “My son,” Abraham replied “remember that during your life good things came your way, just as bad things came the way of Lazarus. Now he is being comforted here while you are in agony. But that is not all: between us and you a great gulf has been fixed, to stop anyone, if he wanted to, crossing from our side to yours, and to stop any crossing from your side to ours.”
  ‘The rich man replied, “Father, I beg you then to send Lazarus to my father’s house, since I have five brothers, to give them warning so that they do not come to this place of torment too.” “They have Moses and the prophets,” said Abraham “let them listen to them.” “Ah no, father Abraham,” said the rich man “but if someone comes to them from the dead, they will repent.” Then Abraham said to him, “If they will not listen either to Moses or to the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone should rise from the dead.”’


Child of God, the rich man’s sin was not his riches, but his ‘insensitivity’ to the needs of the poor. Such ‘insensitivity’ could stand as hindrance not only to your spiritual growth but to your material growth as well. Many factors trigger such ‘insensitivity’ in us, they are:

1. Over trusting in wealth

Stop trusting so much in wealth, investments, men, etc, it can blind you from the things that matter: God and others around you, the way it blinded the rich man in the parable. It can blind you from seeing the potentials in others that can even help improve on what you have.

2. Not having a good wealth identity

Even with his wealth, the rich man had no identity- he wasn’t given a name, but the poor man had a name- Lazarus, which means ‘God has helped’- a sign that he trusted in God, and so he was remembered and given an identity. The rich man wasn’t given a name because he lacked a wealth identity. He has no legacy to show for his wealth, other than the fact he is rich.
Identity is at the heart of everything. Your wealth identity is the combination of your mental attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors that determines how you respond to and interpret every situation around your finances and wealth.
There are four levels of wealth identity that influence how people behave when they pursue wealth.

a. The first is Entitlement wealth identity

Those with this mentality have lots of demands and expectations without an idea of gratitude or contribution in return. They feel entitled to everything, are selfish and don’t feel comfortable making sacrifices.

b. The second is Equal Exchange wealth identity

Those with this mentality have an attitude of expectation to get exactly the same amount of value for the amount of effort provided. Our society is built on this mentality: “If I do this, then you will do that.” We often operate out of equal exchange mentality in relationships but this could be frustrating sometimes because you are giving to get something in return, and you wait until you get something back otherwise you won’t feel okay about giving another time.

c. The third is Standard or Gifting wealth identity:

With this mentality one acts from a place of consistent gratitude and care for others, giving without expecting anything in return. The beauty of this identity is that it is like gifting someone, you end up happier and fulfilled from the mere act of giving. Since there is no expectation to receive anything in return, you are less likely to be in emotional pain. You are in control of the giving because it is your standard and it makes you better and stronger on the long run.

d. The fourth is Contribution wealth identity:

Those at this level give no matter the consequence. They contribute all they have for others regardless of the cost. They even contribute to the welfare of people that are at odds with them. They contribute despite oppositions and they continue to grow. Contribution is the highest wealth identity level because it involves great sacrifice. Examples of people with a contribution wealth identity aside our Lord Jesus Christ,  are Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr.


If you want grow in wealth you must define your wealth identity. What do you want to be known or remembered for? Recognizing how you want to see yourself financially in relation to others informs the decisions you make regarding your finances and allows you to evaluate whether you’re making progress or not.

I pray for you:

May the Lord prosper you, grant you wealth that will preserve your identity in Christ and make you charitable to the needy. Any wealth that will make you lose your identity and happiness in Christ be taken away, in Jesus name. Amen.


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