There is this desire we normally have for God when we are young but as time goes on, as we grow into maturity we slow down and lose that childlike enthusiasm for the things of God. We may see this desire as a result of naivety or immaturity but without it nothing great happens. And unless we understand where our desire comes from and how to grow it, we may lose our faith completely. If you wish to know how to cultivate desire for God, continue reading slowly…
2 Kings 5:14-17
Naaman the leper went down and immersed himself seven times in the Jordan, as Elisha had told him to do. And his flesh became clean once more like the flesh of a little child.
Returning to Elisha with his whole escort, he went in and stood before him. ‘Now I know’ he said ‘that there is no God in all the earth except in Israel. Now, please, accept a present from your servant.’
But Elisha replied, ‘As the Lord lives, whom I serve, I will accept nothing.’ Naaman pressed him to accept, but he refused.
Then Naaman said, ‘Since your answer is “No,” allow your servant to be given as much earth as two mules may carry, because your servant will no longer offer holocaust or sacrifice to any god except the Lord.’
1. Child of God, in the Bible verse above we see how enthusiastic Naaman was to give thanks after his life changed completely after he experienced Divine healing from leprosy. He was enthusiastic and desires to respond with gratitude and to give Elisha gifts, but Elisha has no interest in what Naaman has to offer.
In his enthusiasm, he requests for two mule of sand from the land of Israel in order to raise an altar to worship the God of Israel.
A similar enthusiasm is seen also in the leper who came back to Jesus in order to give thanks after being cured (cf. Luke 17:11-19). St Paul also have this enthusiasm for God. He reminds Timothy his disciple, that it was for the sake of the gospel of Jesus christ that he was imprisoned. But no one can stop him and no one can imprison the Word of God (2 Tim 2:8-9).
2. Children are naturally enthusiastic, it keeps them going and healthy. No wonder Jesus admonishes we be like children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. Infact, if we understand the meaning of the word enthusiasm we shall appreciate its importance in our lives. Enthusiasm comes from two Greek words “En-tae” (within) and “theos” (God) which literally means “God within you”. It is God in us that kindles the fire and the enthusiasm for real life, real love and gratitude.
3. Lack of enthusiasm for God can make us lose heart and break faith! Lack of desire for God is the beginning of ingratitude: we stop seeing the hand work of God in the daily events of our life. Lack of enthusiasm for God brings about hopelessness.
Experience have shown that this loss of excitement could be caused by over familiarity with the things of God or the ugly experiences of suffering and evil around us. Hence we must make efforts to shun over familiarity in our relationship with God. Dont be used to the life of sin.
The desire to run, to greet each day with hope, is what keeps us alive and energized. Enthusiasm is the bedrock of happiness and foundation for gratitude. It is something we should take care not to lose as we grow into maturity.
I pray for you:
May the Lord bless his Word in your heart and make you always enthusiastic for Him. Amen