There’s that natural inclination in us humans to seek for SIGNS to guide our decisions in moments of uncertainty, we want to know WHEN things will happen so we are not taken unawares. Hence we ask questions, we seek divine illumination or even divination. For this reason many have been deceived, given false interpretation to the bible and lost their faith. During the pandemic, many thought the end of the world was near. Likewise, in the past many had made such predictions of the end, but we still pulled through. So the question now is: will the end of the world ever happen?
If you’re concerned about these questions: WHEN the world shall end and the SIGNS to accompany the end then this message is for you. Continue reading slowly…
Cf. Luke 21:5-19
When some were talking about the Temple, remarking how it was adorned with fine stonework and votive offerings, Jesus said, ‘All these things you are staring at now – the time will come when not a single stone will be left on another: everything will be destroyed.’ And they put to him this question: ‘Master,’ they said ‘when will this happen, then, and what sign will there be that this is about to take place?’
‘Take care not to be deceived,’ he said ‘because many will come using my name and saying, “I am he” and, “The time is near at hand.” Refuse to join them. And when you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened, for this is something that must happen but the end is not so soon.’ Then he said to them, ‘Nation will fight against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes and plagues and famines here and there; there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven. But before all this happens, men will seize you and persecute you…and that will be your opportunity to bear witness. You will be hated by all men on account of my name, but not a hair of your head will be lost. Your endurance will win you your lives.’

1. Child of God, you have heard from Jesus himself: the future is in God’s hands the time for the end is not so soon. Jesus calls us not to bother on the things that has to do with the future because only God knows the things of the future. Bothering on the things concerning the future creates a leeway for deception and manipulation. Instead, we are called to witness to our faith and persevere in good works in order to stay alive!
2. But when will our sufferings be over?
Often times I get such questions in my pastoral ministry: “Padre I have suffered and endured much and sometimes I feel like God has abandoned me: WHEN will my sufferings be over?” “Please padre pray for me I need a SIGN to know whether this particular person is my husband (wife) or not.” This desire to know the future is behind the craving for the prophecy and divination. People are no longer interested in having relationship with God, but desire quick fixes to their problems. Hence they are easy victims of religious fraud and satanic manipulation.
3. Stop focusing on the unknown future, focus rather on your life today and see how well you have lived it. The best way to stay focused today is to find yourself engaged in good works. For this reason St Paul admonishes:
We gave you a rule when we were with you: do not let anyone have any food if he refuses to do any work. Now we hear that there are some of you who are living in idleness, doing no work themselves but interfering with everyone else’s. In the Lord Jesus Christ, we order and call on people of this kind to go on quietly working and earning the food that they eat. (2 Thess 3: 9-12)
Soldiers are taught that during a surprise attack by the enemy, the place where one finds himself is the best place to take cover. Don’t be afraid, stay calm no matter the uncertainty that surrounds you now, and watch the enemy get extra confused as the Lord raises you to heights.
I pray for you
May the day of the Lord not find you sleeping or unready. I pray you shall be alert and awake at the manifestation of your blessings, in Jesus name. Amen.
May I learn to live each day in His Loving embrace for He is there walking my salfivic journey with me!!!