Tag Archives: year c

The Great Advantage of Tribulations

5th Sunday in Ordinary time, Year C: Isa 6:1-2;3-8, 1Cor 15:1-11, Ps 137(138):1-5,7-8, Luke 5:1-11 Sometimes it takes disappointments and sufferings to discover hidden potentials in us and better appreciate God in our lives. These things happen as if to say you needed that suffering or problem to ‘provoke you into action’ than if things […]

The Lord Shall Break Protocols to Bless You| The POWER of Intercession

Do you know you could have Jesus in your life and yet experience hardships and setbacks? You could have Jesus in your home and yet experience disaster! 
Someone once said to me: Father I am devastated: after enthroning the altar to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in my home, I experienced a great disaster in my business that shook my faith and made me question God: Are you truly with me?